The AMCB is governed by a Board of Directors (BOD) comprised of 11 volunteer members and 1 ex-officio member:
- Three officers (president, secretary and treasurer)
- Four chairpersons of the following standing committees:
- Three professional members from other health care disciplines
- A consumer member
- Ex-officio member (AMCB CEO)
Click here to meet the Board Members
Composition and Qualifications
I. Composition of Board of Directors
A. Category 1: three directors who shall be the current officers of the Corporation (President, Treasurer, Secretary)
B. Category 2: four directors who are current Chairpersons of the Examination Committee, the Credentials, Administration and Reporting (CAR) Committee, the Research Committee, and the Certificate Maintenance Program (CMP) Committee
C. Category 3: three directors who are active in other professional or testing organizations, one of whom shall be a nurse
D. Category 4: one director shall be a consumer/public member
E. Category 5: all credentials that are granted will be represented on the Board
II. Qualifications
A. Be a nurse-midwife/midwife actively certified by the AMCB (Categories 1 & 2)
B. Be a member of the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)(Categories 1& 2)
C. Hold a minimum of a master’s degree
D. Have at least three years of midwifery experience (Categories 1 & 2)
E. Have knowledge appropriate to the role and responsibilities of a Board member
F. Not be simultaneously serving on the ACNM Board of Directors or as a chairperson of any ACNM Division or Committee
To be considered for a position on an AMCB committee or Board of Directors, you must submit:
- Curriculum Vita or Resume;
- 2 References;
- Consent to Serve;
- Confidentiality Affidavit;
- and Conflict of Interest
BOD appointments are for a three-year term beginning January 1 the year of appointment, and are renewable for one second term for a maximum of six years. Please send these materials to AMCB headquarters to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer, Carrie Bright, CAE, IOM.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Carrie D. Bright, CAE, IOM
Chief Executive Officer