Get Involved

Call For Volunteers

Are you interested in taking on a deeper role in the profession of midwifery? The American Midwifery Certification Board, Inc. (AMCB) offers several opportunities for those who want to have a positive impact on their profession: serving as a member of the Board of Directors or serving on one of five Standing Committees. AMCB is a non-profit, voluntary corporation whose mission is to protect and serve the public by providing the certification standard for individuals educated in the profession of midwifery.

AMCB is currently seeking volunteers for the following committees:


Research Committee
*Formal Research Training is preferred.
Please submit all materials to Rebecca Koskovich by May 1st..

Certificate Maintenance Program (CMP) Committee
Please submit all materials to Emily Phillips by September 25th.

Volunteer applications are sent to the appropriate committee chairperson for review. The committee chairperson recommends committee appointments to the BOD for approval according to the specific needs of the committee.

No Time To Volunteer? Share Your Ideas Instead

AMCB is committed to the continued progress and involvement of ALL of our certificants. We believe that innovation is critical not only to the development of our organization but also to the effectiveness of our staff.

We encourage you to provide us with your ideas. Those ideas can be directly related to AMCB policies/operations, continuing education, certification, or the overall midwifery industry.

Please submit your written ideas to  We look forward to hearing from all of you.